| ACL Dominator: ACL management and administration reporting security tool for IBM Notes
Report, manage, analyze, audit, export, update all Access Control Lists on an IBM Domino server.
Fix security holes, optimize servers, expand nested groups, prepare for message migrations.
Report on ACLs, database properties, mailbox preference properties, user activity, DAOS.
| Print Merge Reporter: Mail merge, printing and reporting tool for IBM Notes
Mail merge Excel, contacts, barcodes and Notes app data to email or printer using Notes, iNotes, web.
Generate charts and reports to Word, Excel, and PDF format using Notes, web.
| H-Fax Voicemail Center: Fax and voicemail solution for IBM Notes
Review faxes and voicemail from Notes, web and phone. Caller ID fax routing, multiple voice mailboxes, call transferring. Notes, iNotes, web, iOS, Android supported.
********************\ SPONSORED BY NOTESMAIL /***********************
AttachZIP: Attachment compression, image optimization and archive tool for IBM Notes
Compress attachments to ZIP format and optimize images. Increase disk space, network bandwidth and performance. Reduce mailbox / DB sizes. Single product offering. Notes template based installation. Runs on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix!
- Compress attachments to ZIP and native LZ1 format in Notes mailboxes and databases
- Optionally archive attachments to a central repository Notes DB and external server (web, FTP, file share)
- All functionality included in single product offering for Domino administrators, end users and servers.
- Quick installation since Notes template based. Simple as copying a Notes database. No DLL install files!
- Compress to Zip format 2-10% better than other Zip programs including PKZIP and WinZip
- Compress 30-70% better than Zip format using 7-Zip format (.7z)
Download an evaluation copy today!